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Art Therapy

We offer you a world of possibilities...


​No universities offer an extensive Art Therapy program in India. In many other countries the program isn’t offered at all. For those further abroad, Antidote now offers International Art Therapy Courses to countries across the world.

With a flexible and engaging style, ANTIDOTE’s art therapy training courses and workshops provide explanations of theory; demonstrations of techniques; and practical experiences. The uses of experiential methods support an in depth learning process.


1.Art & Drawing in Psychotherapy/Counseling

Art & Color has the power to heal and art therapy is now a recognized method of therapy.

Dr. Anuradha Kabra, Ph. D in Clinical Psychology & License to practice psychology in NY USA & Ms. Anupama Bajaj -Ex DCS student will be conducting a workshop called ‘Art & Drawing in counseling’.

Drawings show 'leakage from one's subconscious mind' and can be a powerful tool to understand clients' subconscious and psyche. Seen as an important tool when working with children they can easily be used with adolescents and adults.

This workshop aims to teach the participants how to understand drawings and what to look for in drawings to achieve the task of understanding client's world better.  Learning will be through live demonstration, experiential process, creative exploration and practicum sessions.

The workshop is open to counselors, therapists, teachers, social workers and anyone interested in understanding themselves using art.

2. Diploma in Expressive Art Therapy

The Indian subcontinent has always ascribed high spiritual value to art, besides celebrating its obvious aesthetic repercussions.  Our community as a whole might hold a natural leaning towards art, but nevertheless, therapeutic art has so far not really taken off in our society.

Here is a course which might just get you introduced to the nuances of art for Therapy and diagnostics.

3. Basics of Art Therapy

There are two approaches to art therapy: “The Art Psychotherapy Approach”, and “The Art Therapy

Approach” besides employing art as a diagnostic tool as part of the therapeutic process. The course can be considered as a broad introduction to art therapy, based on which Participants would have opportunity to experiment the use of arts for human transformation and emotional healing so that they can synthesize their personal experience with conceptual learning.  Mastering art therapy calls upon an understanding of visual expression, creative process, human development, behavior, personality, and mental health.

Course Structure

The topics covered include history of art therapy, various theoretical approaches in art therapy

and various populations on whom art therapy can be used.  Learning will be through live demonstration, experiential process, creative exploration and practicum sessions. Basic facilitation skills (active listening, therapeutic witnessing, use of metaphor language and transformation of negative energy into positive resources) will be integrated with practice through experiential exercises and sharing of reflections. The arts modalities including visual art, music, sounding, dramatic play, body movement and writing, will be introduced in this course.​


Courses offered:


1. Art Therapy workshop 2018

  • 22nd April

  • 26th May

  • 11th July

  • 24th September

  • 22nd October 

  • 26th November

  • 17th December


2. Certificate course in Art Therapy

(4 days, 20 hours, weekdays, time: 10 am -2:30 pm)

19th September to 22nd September


3. Diploma Course in Art Therapy

(6 months, 12 modules, 100 hours)

1st August to 30th January 2019


You don't need to have a high grade of artistic skills to take up this course. More than technical skills, it is the ability to explore, understand and share.





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