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Neuro Psychological Assessment

A situation where an illness or injury has the potential to adversely impact on cognitive functioning is one where neuropsychological assessment is indicated.

In our Neuropsychology Cinic we assess and treat behaviours based on brain functioning of children and adults using standardised neuropsychological test.

A situation where an illness or injury has the potential to adversely impact on cognitive functioning is one where neuropsychological assessment is indicated. These situations include illnesses or injuries that directly impact on cognition (Degenerative dementia, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, stroke, epilepsy, traumatic brain injuries, neurological conditions, psychiatric disorders) or where the treatment for the illness impacts on cognitive functioning (chemotherapy and radiation for cancer, effects of toxic substances and medical condition on overall brain functioning). Finally, as neuropsychiatric conditions are complex, many of them have the potential to induce changes in mood or motivational states that can have secondary impacts on cognitive functioning.



Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy (CRT) is the process of relearning cognitive skills that have been lost or altered as a result of damage to brain cells/chemistry, disabilities or disorders, and/or aging. If skills cannot be relearned, then new ones have to be taught to enable the person to compensate for their lost cognitive functions.

Cognitive retraining is a therapeutic strategy that seeks to improve or restore a person's skills in the areas of paying attention, remembering, organizing, reasoning and understanding, problem-solving, decision making, and higher level cognitive abilities. These skills are all interrelated. Cognitive retraining is one aspect of cognitive rehabilitation, a comprehensive approach to restoring such skills after brain injury or other disability.

Cognitive retraining has also been used to treat dementia, schizophrenia, attention-deficit disorder, learning disabilities, and cognitive changes associated with aging.

We do home based and computerised cognitive retraining.




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